Copyright © - A Cristian Mitroi Portfolio

evoMAG Modules webdesign and graphics

Category Menu evoMAG

Category Menu evoMAG

Marturii evoMAG

Marturii evoMAG

Icons evoMAG

Icons evoMAG

Shopping Cart and User Menu evoMAG

Shopping Cart and User Menu evoMAG

Category Menu evoMAG

Category Menu evoMAG


Webdesign and graphic elements for the main site of Evolution Prest Systems SRL.

- Design the functionality for menu, existing modules and new modules;

- Creating user-friendly graphics for the new modules, icons, labels.

Site graphic design by Vlad Mateescu.

What I used in the creation process: Adobe Photoshop CS5 and Adobe Illustrator.

Recommended: click on the images for better visual experience.

All images are under copyright © evoMAG